Title: Saigo no Lonely Christmas
Singer: All Seven Yumeiro Cast: Asahina Kyoya (CV: Ohsaka Ryouta), Fujimura Iori (CV: Hanae Natsuki), Tachibana Sousei (CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki), Sakuragi Hinata (CV: Uchida Yuuma), Shindo Kaito (CV: Hayashi Yuu), Jogasaki Subaru (CV: Hatanaka Tasuku)
From: Yumeiro Cast Game
It's released in-game so far, so, there's no FULL version and OFFICIAL lyrics out yet, so, this lyrics are 100% based on my listening. Soon, after the full ver & official lyrics out, I'll update. AND the picture....this song sing by 7 of yumecast character but I put ONLY Shindo Kaito