18 July 2012

Exclusive Interview with Shirokuma Cafe's Seiyuu

In my Tumblr, I had promised (am I????) to translate them into English, because they in Malay in this magazine. The anime; Shirokuma Cafe. The seiyuu involved is 3 main character; Sakurai Takahiro (Shirokuma/Polar Bear), Fukuyama Jun (Panda) and Kamiya Hiroshi (Penguin).


[ ] : My personal comment when read this.
This is I translate from the Kreko’s Magazine; The exclusive interview with 3 main character(seiyuu) in Shirokuma Cafe. Sorry for my broken English. =w=;

1) What is the main attraction in this anime?
S: No need to think twice, you only need to watch them with your eyes. That is the factor the most attracting me. The humor storyline, always make everyone laughing. The animal can talk and live together with human being. I think that’s so awesome. It is story that make someone have a lot of expection and enjoy!
F: How I want to say, eh? The life of animals that like a human give a impressive  reaction and make someone feel so~wierd. The cute animals that beyond the reality had boost the storyline. I never see the story like this before so this is the unique attraction.
K: ‘The Harmony Conversation between Animal and Human Being’, when heard this introduction, you might be won’t attract with this anime. So, you need to watch 1st episode first. I’m guarantee, after you watch the 1st episode, you will be attracted with this anime. May be, your mouth will nagging “What it is?”, but, you will follow the episode by episode until the end. I think, this the attraction of this anime. [Totally AGREE!]

2) Can you story the recording situation and any funny moment that happened?
F: Usually, all the seiyuu will be recording together. There everyone should be relax and calm. But, when stand in front the microphone, everyone starting to worry. This situation rarely happen (laugh). The Shirokuma, Panda, and Penguin, when the seiyuu start talking, then, the identity had been create. And this make me feeling happy (laugh). But, the problem there is, there will be got someone will complaining. [I also not sure about the last sentence, but, may be he mean the ‘director’]

3) What your feeling after read the original arts, and is there got any your favorite scene?
K: When first time I read the original arts, I make an opinion, this stories only happened in the Animal’s World only. But, suddenly, appear the human, and in that time, I was ‘kidnapped’ going INSIDE the story (laugh). There is human being, and animals, and you can’t guess the ending. When I think are this anime could perform the same attraction, that’s make my heart ‘fell’ to the original arts.
F: The original arts after Shirokuma Cafe, there also 3 more other volumes. I’m sure Shirokuma Cafe is from 1st volume, but, the next volume...I dunno which volume should I buy. The title of this book so interesting. I starting read from the middle, so from the early I already know about human live with animals. So, there no feeling when I read from the start. When first time read the original arts, I’m complaining, but, surprisingly, I can’t stop from reading them. With my imagination, I can feel the contents in this story so interesting. I’m sure, the people outside there also like me, complaining at the first, but at the end you’ll fall in love with it.
S: The character so interesting. Every animal having their own characteristic. Because they are animal, so there a lot of parts that make us complaining when reading. The original arts so cute and fun, but, only now can comment like that. When the first time recording first episode, because I can’t imagine how to perform, feel so~ confuse. Until now, I know the way. So, every the recording moment, must be found something new and that’s so amusing. Other than that, the storyline also interesting, you should use the different way to enjoy this arts. I can’t wait for for pig’s appearance. [PIG?! O___o]

4) What the similarity between you and the character that you role?
S: Joking? (laugh) I understand his feeling. Sadly, if there a joking materials, but, you didn’t say that. But, after you said, other people will make the reaction, “ Wah! He make a joking again!”. So, recently I am control myself. Shirokuma is the character that is hard to understand. There got peoples said like that to me too. And, I think that was our similarity.
F: Even our attitude is different, but, both of us [he and Panda] are hot-tempered a bit. But, in the same time, we are loved by the people surrounding us!
S & K: (laugh)
K: The characteristic of Penguin is complaining. I also loves to complaining [Yeah! King of Tsundere XD]. So....I think this not our similarity. But, the ‘cool’ attitude of Penguin make me feel that is our similarity [Liar! XD]

5) Excuse me, Who is the person? [about this question, I don’t know where the related and this suddenly appear, I guess it’s related with the ‘similarity’]
S: He’ll go around and said “This character totally like me, Ono Daisuke” (laugh) [WHAT?! XDDD]
F: And then, the everyone will say “Hey, you...”(laugh). When the recording run more often, the everyone character become more identified. But, the new seiyuu still felt nervous when recording. We are so enjoy the recording moment, because the story so interesting. When the recording is on-going, everyone will be so serious and the surrounding change into tense.
K: The cheerful situation. Our preparation are different for every anime. There sometimes, we need to practice earlier and memorize the script. There also got sometimes just practice before the recording. And for this anime, I practice before recording. If too much practice, there will be a problems. So, I’ll practice only once before go to recording studio. If I am not distance the script, then, I can’t make the voices that I want. Even though we recording together, but still have a challenge.
S: Freedom but need a details. This thing is most important.

6) Is that difficult to do animals voice?
S: Honestly, I also confuse want to use which voice for animal.
K: When recording, the people will comment “ Your voices like human, please do that more to animal”, so, I’m thinking, if human being laugh “hahahaha...”...but, how animal laughing? K
F: The extereme character are more easier, but a bit tough for the romance scene.

7) After oftenly recording, is you had overcome this problem?
F: After I had used it, I can give more feeling and can control it more better now.
S: “Remember, Don’t be a human”, that’s words remains in my mind! ^^
K: Penguin is a calm character. He no need to show a lot of his feeling. But, when he starting to drunk, he will exposed all his romance side, and I need to know how to express this character.

8) May you tell us a bit about the opening song “Boku ni Invitation” and the ending song “BambooScramble”? What Fukuyama Jun’s feeling when sing the ending song?
F: The melody for “Boku ni Invitation” is very nice and the singer are so awesome! So, suitable with anime Shirokuma Cafe. I felt grateful because have a chance for sing the ending song; “BambooScramble”. This is first time I sing the ending song alone. It’s absolutely song that is special for Panda. This ending song is describing all about him.
K: First time listen to “Boku ni Invitation”, the music so cheerful and, I started to thinking it is suit for this anime? But, when listen them in TV together with the lyrics, it is the great song! “BambooScramble” is character song. It’s succesfully perform the character Panda through the song. Lyrics and the melody is nice, but, I’m praise with Fukuyama Jun’s performance.
S: “Boku ni Invitation” is very suitable as a opening song for Shirokuma Cafe and “BambooScramble” make me feel surprised  that he can used thet sing style for performing the ending song. Congratz! ^^


  1. omg!!i really love Shirokuma Cafe and the seiyuu(especially Junjun and Kamiyan!) but i didnt know at all about the interview in Kreko mag ||orz||..may i copy n share the scan pic??oh,n what is the issue no for Kreko?

    sorry for my bad english >,<

    1. Sure you can!! I'm don't remember which issues...my kreko so messy in my room ^^;
